
(右圖) 出生/ 1991 年 學歷/ 台中高農、高雄餐飲大學西廚系 經歷/ 澀Sur-共同創辦人、Minimal 創辦人 榮譽/ 2023 年Minimal 獲必比登推薦,2024年獲米其林一星推薦,為全世界第一家摘星的冰淇淋店 Minimal 地址/ 台中市西區美村路一段133 巷16 號 電話/ 04-2321-9080營業 時間/週五至週一13:00-18:30 預約/餐廳同時販售外帶杯與套餐,套餐需事先預約 誰能料得到,來自台中的一個大男孩,寫下了全球米其林的新頁,翻轉了人們對冰淇淋的印象。 台中美村路巷弄內,走侘寂風裝潢的Minimal外觀十分低調,一不小心就會錯過。 但這裡有著世間罕見,以FineDining(精緻餐飲)型式呈現的冰品套餐,以春季套餐為例,一共七盤,不含服務費,要價一千兩百元。 所費不貲,然食客一坐下,迎來的不是開胃菜、主菜、甜點的上菜節奏,而是上至攝氏一八○度、下至零下一九六度的味覺三溫暖,味蕾就此來回擺盪於沸點與冰點之間。 從○度呈現半液態的枇杷西洋梨茶湯起始,到以三種果汁做成三種冰晶混合後的瓜果冰沙,食客逐漸認知到,原來冰,可以不僅僅是冰,只因溫度不同,冰的分子結構也有所不同,呈現的口感與樣貌自然大相徑庭。 溫度差異已夠讓人驚豔,但Minimal的口味更是脫俗,冰一入口,竟宛如精品香水有前、中、後味般,滋味繁複。 如以負十二度呈現,靈感來自日本動畫《鈴芽之旅》的綠色義式冰淇淋,初聞有紫蘇香氣,入口後酢漿草酸澀滋味漸漸浮現,後以茴香及油醋收尾,層次精密,餘韻無窮。 這就是主廚萬士傑的野心了。他要冰淇淋不再只是主餐的配角,他要讓冰淇淋一道一道被擺在盤中C位。常人吃冰挑的是口味,萬士傑追求的則是對「冰」這個元素最深刻的體驗。 他成功了,在二○二三年入選必比登後,今年Minimal成功打破世界米其林紀錄,成為全世界首間以冰淇淋摘星的店家。 有嗜好的人很多,有人喜歡車子,有人熱愛房子,Minimal主廚萬士傑,則是自幼嗜冰如命。 「我(小時候)沒事就喜歡去冰箱抓冰塊,覺得甜甜的,很喜歡吃,」一頭長髮梳成包包頭,骨相清臞的萬士傑,有種敏感細膩的氣質,但一談起各類冰品便如數家珍,說自己愛吃冰貴賤不拘,即使到平價火鍋店,也會竭力挖起常因溫度控制不當,而堅若磐石的免費冰淇淋大快朵頤。 生於台中的他,來自單親家庭,高雄餐旅大學畢業後進入餐飲業,正當他在「兩頭班」環境中奮鬥時,母親卻罹癌過世。 無法在最後的日子多陪伴母親,成為萬士傑最深的遺憾,使他開始思考,什麼樣的生活才是自己要的? 他選擇與同學創業,在一中商圈開了「澀Sur-」餐廳,然而隨時間過去,他想開冰淇淋店的念頭愈來愈強烈,他渴望告訴大家,冰淇淋不只有孩子愛吃,「喜不喜歡吃冰這件事是假議題,重點是你有沒有吃到對的冰,」他說。 萬士傑決定退出澀Sur-自行開業。而唯一留在澀Sur-的創辦人,也是萬士傑高中以來的摯友林佾華,仍十分支持他,還做了Minimal的股東。 二一年,澀Sur-先成功摘下米其林一星,隨著經驗累積,林佾華敏銳地觀察到,冰淇淋常以口味的廣度為主打,但少有商家以深度作號召,他想到,Minimal不如以溫度作為套餐主題,強調作為冰淇淋店的特色。 於是萬士傑便設計起各種溫度的冰品,他發想起點常以童年記憶為基礎。如一道以野薑花與清酒為底,打入大量空氣,以負四十度極低溫呈現、貌似棒棒糖狀的冰品,概念竟來自歷史悠久的「香蕉冰」,原來,酒精化學分子近似香蕉油,故香氣接近,萬士傑希望藉此給顧客似曾相識,卻更為精緻的感受。 這樣的細膩與形式創新,打動了評審,米其林官網上,評審直指Minimal「進步的步伐從不停歇,設計概念與技法更臻成熟與細膩⋯⋯而這完全值得一星肯定。」 但在摘星背後,萬士傑其實也作了犧牲。 Minimal如今採取同時販賣外帶杯與套餐的形式,但事實上,套餐能服務的顧客有限,營收很難比得上外帶杯販售,萬士傑坦言,二一年開店至今,其實尚未完全回本。 但是在萬士傑的哲學裡,他更在意的是自己想要做什麼,母親的早逝使他早熟,閒暇時愛看哲學書籍的他,常深思生活的意義,「如果你的工作只是為了工作,我會覺得很可惜,」他認真地說。 摘星只是過程,萬士傑還在努力找到理想與現實的交會處,一如悉心調配出每口冰淇淋的酸甜平衡點…



Movie star Brad Pitt and his girlfriend Inés de Ramón made a glamorous red carpet debut at the 81st annual Venice International Film Festival last week, looking absolutely smitten with each other at the premiere of Brad’s new film Wolfs. The 60-year-old actor looked dashing in a black tailored suit by Louis Vuitton, and was all smiles as he held hands with Inés, 31, who was stunning in a white floor-length gown by Entire Studios. The couple, who met through mutual friends and went public with their romance in 2022, were spotted arriving together at Venice’s Marco Polo Airport the previous day. It was a double date for Brad, whose close friend and Wolfs co-star George Clooney, 63, also walked the Venice red carpet with his glamorous wife, international human rights lawyer…


I hadn’t been in the living room of Gay Talese’s East Side brownstone more than 10 minutes before he said, “You wouldn’t go to a wedding or a job interview dressed like that, would you?” Probably not. I was wearing a puffy Dodger-blue hoodie over a dress shirt. Did Talese equate our author-writer conversation with the formality of occasions such as a wedding? Probably so, and he’s long regarded sartorial style as a sign of respect. “When I go to interview someone,” he tells me, “I always felt I was representing myself as a professional and I had to dress the part. It’s a sense of separateness, not protection; a sense of self and pride. Most people will dress for a funeral. I dress for being alive, not being dead.…


An ocean’s worth of water may be buried within Mars, but can we get to it?

Enough water to cover the surface of Mars has been discovered within the crust of the Red Planet by NASA’s InSight mission. However, the ocean is buried several kilometres underground. InSight touched down in the Elysium Planitia region on Mars in November 2018 and maintained its mission for four years. Armed with the first seismometer to be taken to the Red Planet, it detected 1,319 marsquakes. Geophysicists Vashan Wright and Matthias Morzfeld of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography and professor of planetary science Michael Manga of the University of California, Berkeley, have used that seismometer data to discover water on the planet. They combined the varying speeds of recorded marsquakes – documented as the quakes reverberated through the Red Planet’s interior – to a mathematical model describing the physics of…

An ocean’s worth of water may be buried within Mars, but can we get to it?


The U.K.’s competition watchdog has launched an investigation into the way more than one million tickets were sold for next year’s reunion concerts from iconic 1990s Britpop band Oasis. In a statement Thursday, the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) said its investigation into Live Nation Entertainment’s unit Ticketmaster will look specifically at “dynamic pricing,” whereby prices can vary rapidly in light of changing market conditions. It is a pricing strategy used in flight sales and home food deliveries, where demand levels can fluctuate and lead to surging prices while also sometimes leading to lower prices. It is a more common practice in the U.S. than in the U.K. Many Oasis fans who queued online at the Ticketmaster site for hours Saturday complained that they ended up paying more than double the face value…

The California Wine Lover’s Guide

A California Icon Paul Draper & Ridge Vineyards UP BEHIND THE TOWN OF CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA, there’s a long, steep, winding road. If you follow it, you will eventually come to a graceful redwood building. From there, you can see, far down below, distant and silent, the tech fervor of Silicon Valley. This is Ridge Vineyards. Not long ago, I went there to chat with Ridge’s chairman emeritus, Paul Draper, an icon of California winemaking whose career more or less encompasses the entire modern era of California wine, as does Ridge itself. The winery was founded in 1959 by a trio of Stanford engineers; Draper joined them in 1969. Things were different then. “There wasn’t remotely as much interest in wine in the U.S. at that time,” Draper recalls. “And California wine from the 1940s,…

The California Wine Lover’s Guide
Faster After 40

Faster After 40

Athletes in both the elite and age-group categories are proving that 40 can be the start of some of their best performances rather than a decline. There are realities of aging that must be respected, but that doesn’t mean your fastest splits have to be behind you. Here are effective ways I’ve modified training and psychology in athletes I coach to help them be faster after 40. Mindset Every athlete can point to their best race and still find areas for improvement. Mastery of triathlon is challenging and, while some improvements are quicker and simpler to gain than others, some dangle just out of reach. Maintaining focus on chasing these improvements is key to maintaining motivation year after year. Focusing on the experience of doing triathlon without expectation of a specific result…


1 ARCHITECTURAL UPDATE Panelling, dado rails, mouldings… These traditional elements are brilliant for adding grandeur and detail in a room, but what if you want a more contemporary, colourful take on these classic features? Then trompe l’oeil could be the answer. For instance, creating the illusion of depth with a series of painted rectangles in a punchy palette is not only a great imitation of panelling, it’s also easier and more cost-effective than installing the real thing. Take a note from the interior designers at PL Studio, whose painterly effects offer a playful, modern way to add some old-school character. 2 Exclusive collab Vintage prints and patterns are the inspiration for an exciting John Lewis x Collagerie homeware collab, launching this autumn. Carefully selected from the John Lewis textiles and wallpaper design archive…


Do Men Really Not See The Mess?

There was a time, earlier in my marriage, when every morning as I walked into the kitchen I braced myself for the rage and resentment that would well up in me. Cupboards left open. Dirty dishes in the sink. Coffee cups strewn around the house. And usually a pair of slippers or shoes, with inside-out socks, on the floor somewhere nearby. Even when I had left the house spotless the night before, I’d wake to a scene of disarray — the mess my husband had left behind on his way out the door for work. I didn’t know which scenario seemed worse, my husband’s consciously expecting me to clean up these messes or his truly not noticing them at all. I found myself silently tallying these small resentments, furious and flummoxed in…

Do Men Really Not See The Mess?


Are you tired of the same boring old cheese in flat orange squares or powdered in a can? If so, you’re in luck—the world is full of wonderful, tasty cheeses. That’s what Lydi and Earl discovered one day last summer when they came to our farm to help us make cheese straight from the goat. So how do you turn plain old milk into tasty, chunky cheese? It takes patience, heat, and some friendly bacteria. Move Over, Miss Muffet All cheese starts with milk. You can make cheese from any kind of milk—cow’s milk, goat’s milk, sheep’s milk, even water buffalo’s milk. Cheese is the solid fats and proteins from the milk with the liquid part drained away. The next ingredient in cheese is bacteria. While you don’t want harmful…


Fleeing War and Scams

UKRAINIANS FLEEING WAR WITH Russia for the United States have come across suspected scammers trying to exploit a government humanitarian support initiative for financial gain, Newsweek can reveal. Three Ukrainians described the attempts they had seen to use social media to take advantage of Uniting for Ukraine, or U4U—a program President Joe Biden’s administration announced in response to Russian President Vladimir Putin’s February 2022 full-scale invasion of Ukraine, whereby displaced people with sponsors can enter the U.S. for two years on a temporary basis. Our sources say they were asked for payment for sponsorship. Under the program, sponsors agree to support Ukrainian beneficiaries for the duration of their stay. They are not offered financial support from the government and it is understood that there is a financial obligation for sponsors to support beneficiaries. The…

Fleeing War and Scams


addiction As we went to press, Toprak Razgatlıoğlu was nearly 100 points ahead of his nearest rival in the 2024 WSBK title race, after seven out of 12 rounds. The superstar from Türkiye is making the rest of the paddock look just a wee bit ‘steady,’ and the best bit is he's doing it for a marque that's never won the WSBK crown before – BMW. The Bavarian firm has been looking for a world production-based title since the original S1000RR appeared back in 2010, but success has been patchy; Marco Melandri's third and fourth spots in 2012 and 2013 are still the best placings for the firm in the WSBK riders’ championship. There's been race success elsewhere, of course; notably at the Isle of Man TT. But WSBK has…

Code Repository

Code Repository

We’ve included a vast Python code repository for you to freely use in your own programs. There’s plenty in here to help you create a superb piece of programming, or extend your project ideas. We’ve got code for making backups of your files and folders, number guessing games, random number generators, Google search code, game code, animation code, graphics code, text adventure code and even code that plays music stored on your computer. We’ve broken down some of the newer, and extended, concepts of the code to help you better understand what’s going on. This way you can easily adapt it to your own uses. This is an excellent resource that you won’t find in any other Python book. So use it, take it apart, adapt it to your own…

The Greatest Love Story Never Told

BEN’S MOVED ON – WITH A JEN G LOOKALIKE! Ben’s rumoured to be the first one to have a rebound fling, after he was spotted spending time with Kathleen “Kick” Kennedy, Robert F Kennedy Jr’s daughter, at the Beverly Hills Hotel and other hotspots around Hollywood. And it didn’t take long for some to point out a resemblance between Kick, 36, and Ben’s first wife, Jen Garner, 52. An activist like her famous father and a one-time actress, a source told People Kick is a “partier” who “likes to have a good time” – which could spell trouble for recovering addict Ben. Another insider claims Ben and Kick actually had a fling before he rekindled things with J.Lo... JOHN’S GOT JEN BACK, BUT FOR HOW LONG? Now that J.Lo and…

The Greatest Love Story Never Told
Allergic to… EVERYTHING!

Allergic to… EVERYTHING!

Walking across campus with friends, it was my first week at Holy Cross college, Massachusetts, in September 2017. And with food trucks parked all around, we wouldn’t be going hungry. Only I had to be careful. Since I was two years old, I have had severe allergies to peanuts, tree nuts, sesame, kiwi, mustard and seafood, cats and dogs, mould and pollen. Apart from a severe reaction aged two, my life had been normal. It had never held me back. My mum Julie, 60, even made sure I had pretty bags and purses to carry my EpiPens as a child. And aged 18, I was so excited to experience college. Holy Cross’ food hall was entirely nut free and it even had an allergy kitchen. And with my family home…



輝達公布第二季財報,股價一度重挫八%,業績不好? 營收:三百億美元,年增率高達一二二%,也優於預期的二八八.六億美元。 資料中心營收: 二六三億美元,優於預期的二五一億美元。 淨利:一六六億美元。 每股純益:○.六八美元,優於預期的○.六四美元。 毛利率:七五.一%,略低於上一季的七八.四%。 第三季營收預期:三二五億美元,優於三一九億美元。 輝達更通過實施庫藏股五百億美元。財務長克雷斯(Colette Kress)說,對Hopper、Net-working產品線的強勁需求,以及中國市場,都為業績貢獻良多。 她指出,來自中國資料中心的營收,相比出口管制前減少了。但這一季依然實現了季成長,並貢獻「可觀」營收。AI晶片架構Blackwell需求遠高於供給,這個情況將延續到二○二五年。 交代供貨,卻喊不出營收數字 遊戲部門和車用部門營收也是成長的。遊戲部門營收來到二十九億美元,車用部門營收三.四六億美元,但黃仁勳坦承,復甦速度遠低於他的預期。 投資人關注的Blackwell遞延出貨疑慮,輝達坦承晶片的確需要微調以改善良率,但不至於拖延到進度,「樣本都已經送給客戶了,Blackwell預計第四季可貢獻數十億美元營收。」執行長黃仁勳進一步說明,Blackwell無須進行功能上的變更,預計第四季開始生產,也會在第四季出貨。 黃仁勳和財務長不只一次強調,Hopper晶片需求依然強勁,在Blackwell出貨前,輝達依然有許多Hopper晶片訂單需要滿足。 輝達連續五個季度迅猛擊敗預期,值得注意的是,這一季雖也超出預期,但幅度是過去六個季度中最小的,只比分析師預期的平均值高出四.一%。這樣的表現,在投資人眼裡顯然不夠好。 Carson Group首席市場策略師德翠克說,「問題是這次超出預期的幅度,比我們之前看到的要小得多,即使未來財測也有所提高,但仍然不如前幾個季度那樣大幅度成長。」 投資人另一點不夠滿意的地方是,在Blackwell可貢獻營收及推出時程上,好像交代得很多,卻又不夠具體。像是,Blackwell在「第四季可貢獻好幾個billions(好幾十億美元)的營收,」但確實沒有更明確的數字。 向來犀利的伯恩斯坦知名半導體分析師羅斯根追問Blackwell可帶進多少營收及毛利率?克雷斯僅回應Hopper產品線將繼續成長,Blackwell會再墊高營收;至於毛利率,她說公司正朝著約七五%的總體毛利率目標邁進。 建議買入,但波動也加劇 另一個類似的情況發生在談論主權AI商機的時候。 許多分析師和投資人認為輝達客戶過於集中超大科技公司,關心還有其他潛力客戶嗎?黃仁勳回應,將有愈來愈多國家開始打造自己的AI基礎建設,也就是主權AI。 財報後電話會議上,財經記者也追問這一題,但營收貢獻依然是籠統的可望突破「百億」美元。 Gabelli Funds投資組合經理貝爾頓說,投資人希望「透過輝達,最清楚和純粹地評估人工智慧基礎建設市場健全與否。」但在繳出六季來最小幅度成長的當下,投資人沒有被注入強心針的感覺。 輝達目前預期本益比約三十八倍,相比之下,標普五百的預期本益比大約是二十一倍,在本益比高於預期情況下,輝達第二季財報暫時沒有救到整個村莊。 不過羅斯根在財報公布前即表示,許多分析師耳語著輝達下一季營收必須接近三三○至三四○億美元,凸顯市場對輝達的預期有多高。但羅斯根與彭博社追蹤的其他六十六位分析師,都給予輝達「買入」評級。 瑞士銀行集團策略師馬西里指出,全球科技股未來成長將更加漸進式的,肇因於美國經濟的影響,及半導體出口管控等等因素,潛在逆風將加劇波動性。…

Angelina Jolie & Brad Pitt: The Divorce That Won’t End

With its gondolas and glamour, the Venice Film Festival launches the fall season in high style as stars head to Italy to showcase their much-anticipated movies. For Angelina Jolie that meant kicking off serious Oscar buzz as she tearfully welcomed an eight-minute standing ovation after the Aug. 29 premiere of her biopic Maria, about opera singer Maria Callas. Asked during a press conference how she identified with the legendary diva, Jolie, 49, told reporters that she related “to the part of her that is extremely soft and didn’t have room in the world to be as soft as she truly was and as emotionally open as she truly was.” Three days later (well after Jolie jetted off to attend the Telluride Film Festival) her ex-husband Brad Pitt, 60, electrified the crowd…

Angelina Jolie & Brad Pitt: The Divorce That Won’t End
Have we conquered inflation?

Have we conquered inflation?

Bravo to the central bankers, says The Economist. The likes of the Bank of England and the US Federal Reserve appear to have pulled off mission impossible – bringing down inflation without crashing the economy. In 2022 the average rate of inflation across developed countries peaked at about 10%. Large interest rate hikes followed and inflation in most developed economies has now fallen below 3% (annual UK inflation was 2.2% in July). Previous central banks’ battles with inflation tamed prices only at the cost of “deep” recessions. While the going has been tough this time, severe pain has been avoided. Interestrate theory worked in practice, with hikes causing just enough cooling in labour markets to ease wage pressure, but not so much that they triggered mass unemployment. Self-serving narrative A…

Side by side with the Americans

A full six decades have passed since a new motorsport discipline landed on UK shores, announcing its arrival with an all-out assault on the senses. The occasion was the 1964 International Festival of Drag Racing. This pioneering event, soon known as ‘Dragfest’, was the brainchild of Sydney Allard. It proved to be so influential in generating interest in this new discipline that within a couple of years Santa Pod in Northamptonshire became Europe’s first permanent dragstrip. For some context of the sea-change in motorsport this represented, we are fortunate in having some recall provided by Dave Lecoq, who was not only there, but took part in the event. Speaking to Dave recently, his recollections come with the caveat that this was something that happened a long time ago…! Drag racing started in…

Side by side with the Americans
Audiovector Trapeze Reimagined Loudspeaker

Audiovector Trapeze Reimagined Loudspeaker

As the name suggests, the Audiovector Trapeze Reimagined is a reboot of the company's original “Trapez” loudspeaker from 45 years ago. Also, as the name suggests, the Danish floorstanding loudspeaker has a trapezoidal cabinet. It has nothing whatsoever to do with circuses. The Trapeze Reimagined is a short three-way design. It uses a 12-inch high-power mid/bass driver with an eight-inch driver in a configuration Audiovector calls “Isobaric Compound Bass” loading. This is met by a five-inch high-speed midrange, and an Air Motion Transformer tweeter specifically designed for this loudspeaker. Unlike “frozen in time” designs such as the evergreen BBC LS3/5a, the Trapeze Reimagined is not a carbon copy of the original. However, the waist-high family resemblance to that loudspeaker, which wowed Scandiwegian audiophiles of the late 1970s, is unmistakable. The Trapez was…

The Future of the Housing Market? These Companies Want to Build It

In 2020, the world turned upside down—and so did the real estate market. But despite a global pandemic, strict lockdowns that briefly halted home showings, and a double-digit unemployment rate, the housing market did not crash in 2020. Instead, it soared, with a significant surge in home prices, home sales, and housing demand, bolstered by historically low mortgage rates, increased remote work and demand for space, and stimulus measures. Between March 2020 and June 2022, U.S. home prices jumped a staggering 43 percent. This phenomenon, which I call the pandemic housing boom, defied expectations. The boom created a historic tailwind for almost the entire real estate sector, with the exception of office real estate, which saw vacancy rates spike as remote work took off. As offices emptied, workers built out their…

The Future of the Housing Market? These Companies Want to Build It


As you enter the exhibition “Naomi: In Fashion” at London’s Victoria and Albert Museum, you are greeted by a video montage of Naomi Campbell’s iconic walk down the many runways across her 40-year career: a flirty sashay from baby Naomi at Todd Oldham in the mid ’90s, a moody saunter in a black silk outfit for Isaac Mizrahi from Fall 1997, a dead-serious stomp in a sequined black Saint Laurent tuxedo just a few years ago—all distinctly different, all distinctly Naomi. A solo V&A exhibition on any one person, particularly during his or her lifetime, is rare and sought-after. (Previous honors have been bestowed upon Alexander McQueen, Frida Kahlo, and David Bowie.) I also observe, quietly, two Black girls, perhaps 16 or 17, who are transfixed, staring closely at the footage…


Woven into history

Margaret Hubert, Mitan & Moni and James Walters are crochet pioneers, whose invention and dedication propelled the craft to prominence from the 1960s onwards. We look back at their work and achievements. MARGARET HUBERT US-based craft legend Margaret Hubert’s crochet journey began unexpectedly in her late teens when a knitting error led her to discover the art of crochet. “I learnt to knit at a young age, but did not learn to crochet until I was 19,” says Margaret. “A local yarn shop owner taught me when I’d made a mistake in my knitting and she told me that I could correct it with a crochet trim. When I told her that I did not know how to crochet, she said, ‘You will learn right now.’ ” That moment marked…

Woven into history
Our LOVE may be unconventional but...

Our LOVE may be unconventional but...

‘AGE IS MEANINGLESS WHEN YOU’RE HAPPY’ Suzanne Scott Nagasaka, 77, from Skerne, Yorkshire, has been with her husband Michael, 54, for 30 years. A few years ago, I was out shopping with my husband Michael when a shop assistant made a comment about him getting a ‘nice present from his mum’. Instantly, I was mortified. The age gap between us is 23 years. To us, it’s irrelevant but the same can’t always be said for others. Jazz night I was 47, a single mum of two grown-up boys and living in Hong Kong when I met Michael. I was out with friends at a jazz club when the barman asked me to talk to this young man who’d just flown in from Washington, USA, and didn’t know anyone. I invited…

…And How It’d Ruin America

…And How It’d Ruin America

TRUMP FRAMES IMMIGRATION as an existential threat to the United States. He has said immigrants are “taking our jobs,” are “not people,” and are “poisoning the blood of our country.” In fact, the nation’s undocumented immigrants grow and harvest the food we eat, construct our homes, and care for our young and elderly. They pay billions in taxes, start businesses that employ Americans, and help rebuild in the wake of climate disasters. Not only would Trump’s plan rip families and communities apart, but it also would have devastating effects on the economy for years to come. According to a 2016 report by the Center for American Progress, deporting 7 million workers would “reduce national employment by an amount similar to that experienced during the Great Recession.” GDP would immediately contract by…

Why are orcas ramming boats?

Why are orcas ramming boats?

IN A VIDEO TAKEN BY THE MARINE scientist Renaud de Stephanis, three orcas, or killer whales, can be seen swimming around the stern of a boat. One orca is vocalising in high-pitched tones before it gently nudges one of the twin rudders and swims off like a dog that’s just snatched some food from a kitchen top. “Whoa!” it seems to say, “that was fun.” This is just one of about 1,000 recorded interactions that orcas have had with boats in the Strait of Gibraltar and around the coasts of Spain and Portugal since the summer of 2020. Roughly 200 of those incidents have resulted in damage to the boats, with a total of seven sinking. It is behaviour that raises questions about our relationship with this species of dolphin.…

1963 Corvette Sting Ray

1963 Corvette Sting Ray

The 1963 Sting Ray is considered by many to be the most desired model and year Corvette ever. With its sleek, modern design, a range of powerful engine choices, and newly introduced independent rear suspension, its popularity makes total sense. With mostly positive reviews from automotive journalists when it debuted in the fall of 1962, those favorable assessments translated to strong sales. The 1963 model marked the first year of the C2 and featured a one-year-only distinctive rear split window. While this iconic feature contributed to the car’s futuristic and aggressive demeanor, it also created a blind spot posing visibility issues, which many owners considered to be an inconvenience. Some actually had dealers replace the split window for a single-piece rear window. Blasphemy! Today, the ’63 Corvette commands insane prices,…

THE uk hi-fi SHOW The ultimate high-end hi-fi experience Live

THE uk hi-fi SHOW The ultimate high-end hi-fi experience Live

Advance tickets are now on sale for the UK’s premier high-end audio event – The UK Hi-Fi Show Live, hosted at the Ascot Racecourse Grandstand, High Street, Ascot on Saturday and Sunday 21st -22nd September 2024. Friday 20th is reserved for accredited press/trade only. Tickets will cost just £20 (£30 for a weekend pass) via www.eventbrite.co.uk or using the links on the www.hifishowlive.com site. Concessionary £15 day passes will be offered for subscribers of Hi-Fi News and Hi-Fi Choice (print and digital subscribers will be contacted by e-mail). See our website for further information. Tickets On Sale Now! www.hifishowlive.com…

英系頻頻秀肌肉 陳其邁動見觀瞻

英系頻頻秀肌肉 陳其邁動見觀瞻

立法院新會期開議,民進黨再度面對藍白聯手壓制,府院高度戒備。然而攘外必先安內,賴清德總統最近不僅找各派系進行便當會,也宴請所有黨籍立委,高喊團結一致。尤其各派系面對二○二六年地方選舉已經蠢蠢欲動,賴對外不只要面對國會紛擾,還要擺平黨內所有山頭。 雖然距離二六年初選仍有一年多的時間,但民進黨各派系已經提前布局,尤其是過去以前總統蔡英文為尊的英系,最近更是開始積極經營「小英之友會」,沒有因蔡英文卸任就放棄民間組織力量。 分工 小英之友會兩大支線 最近英系以「小英之友會全國總會」名義到內政部登記為社會團體,未來將以協會形式運作;核心成員也都有職稱,包括榮譽總會長為前副總統陳建仁,總會長為總統府資政顏志發,副總會長為前立委陳明文,另前國策顧問黃承國及前內政部長徐國勇則是常務理事。 九月四日,「小英之友會全國總會」在台大醫院國際會議中心席開數十桌,舉辦第一屆理監事、顧問授贈典禮,精神領袖蔡英文親自出席,全國英系成員都齊聚一堂,展現兵力的意味相當濃厚。 再進一步拆解英系的運作,主要分為兩條支線,一條是台面上的黨公職,包括高雄市長陳其邁、嘉義縣長翁章梁、立委陳冠廷及政務委員陳時中等,維持「尊賴」策略,爭取與賴合作。另一條線多為過去力挺蔡英文的老戰友,也就是「小英之友會全國總會」成員,雖已淡出台面,卻手握組織實力與財力,是英系內部專門籌糧草的人。 據了解, 蔡英文執政時,定期與英系成員在官邸聚會聯絡感情,至今仍沒有改變,雖然部分英系大老級人物都已經退居二線,仍會與蔡交換意見。 不過, 蔡本身對於運作派系並沒有興趣,多半是聽大家說話,沒有發表什麼想法。最近有英系前立委與蔡聊天時,曾經建議蔡平時沒事也可以多下鄉走動,不過蔡聽完只說「總統只有一個」,態度相當淡然。 另據悉, 雖然歐美及日本方面都對蔡英文發出邀請,蔡也有意規畫明年訪問日本,但相關消息都未得到證實,進度將視未來的國內外情勢而定。 蔡英文雖自認是「 宅女」,少數的公開活動仍和英系有關聯。近期蔡英文在臉書公開他與陳其邁共遊高雄的畫面,就被視為替陳其邁加持。雖然陳其邁對外從未以英系自居,且從政以來都是當權派,但民進黨內部幾乎公認,陳其邁已是英系期待的接班人,就連八月二十八日,賴清德在官邸舉行派系便當會,負責聯絡的總統府祕書長潘孟安就直接邀請陳其邁及翁章梁代表英系出席,顯然視陳其邁為「派系頭人」之一。 挑戰 陳其邁眼前要過兩關 陳其邁在今年成功輔選高雄八席立委全上之後,政治實力大增,也揮別過去初任高雄市長時,被菊系舊勢力牽制的困局。再加上近年高雄成功發展演唱會經濟,聲勢水漲船高。不過陳其邁將於二○二六年卸任,若要更上一層樓,還有兩道關卡要過。 首先, 民進黨高雄市長初選大約於二○二六年初舉辦,但民進黨初選廝殺總是比大選更激烈,愈多組人競爭,就會讓黨內傷口愈大愈深,目前黨內已有五人有意參加初選,包括立委邱議瑩、許智傑、賴瑞隆、林岱樺及勞動部前部長許銘春,陳其邁是否能展現協調功力,將競爭範圍縮小,將是觀察指標。 再者,國民黨已經決定推出立委柯志恩再戰高雄市長,目前柯志恩的民調勝過民進黨所有有志參選者,陳其邁接棒將面臨背水一戰。換句話說,只要陳其邁能讓民進黨繼續在高雄執政,就有機會更上一層樓,反之將遇到危機。 除了英系動作頻頻,民進黨其他派系也都瞄準二○二六選戰步局。尤其民進黨祕書長林右昌及立委蘇巧慧都有志新北市長,新北市將再度上演正國會與蘇系的戰爭,由於蘇系在內閣、公股行庫及國營事業的勢力都被淡化,已視新北市長選舉為延續命脈的唯一機會,有不能輸的壓力;但是林右昌所屬的正國會也把新北市當作大本營,最近兩派系已磨刀霍霍,為擴張政治地盤各自努力。…

Will William ever forgive his brother?

Will William ever forgive his brother?

For the first time since King Charles’ Coronation, the Royal Princes – William and Harry – were seen in the same place at the same time... As a memorial service was held in the coastal village of Snettisham in Norfolk on 28 August for Lord Robert Fellowes, 82, their uncle by marriage, both brothers joined the congregation. Harry had discreetly flown in from his California home, keeping the visit very much away from the spotlight. However, although there were united – geographically – in wanting to pay their respects to Diana’s brother-in-law, and comfort their newly widowed aunt Lady Jane Spencer, it seems that when it comes to relations between the two – there appears to be no thawing. According to an eyewitness who was at the service the brothers ‘kept their distance’…

Harris: Will her patriotic pitch win over the center?

Harris: Will her patriotic pitch win over the center?

“Not bad,” Madam Vice President, said William Kristol in The Bulwark. “Pretty damn impressive, in fact.” Kamala Harris wrapped up last week’s Democratic National Convention with a stirring address that established her as a vigorous, centrist, and unabashedly patriotic leader—everything that Donald Trump is not. As flag-waving delegates in the Chicago arena chanted “USA! USA!” the Democratic presidential nominee reintroduced herself as a child of immigrants whose story, she explained, “could only be written in the greatest nation on Earth.” She spoke of “the privilege and pride of being an American,” vowed to bolster border security, and called for “optimism and faith” in the fight for American ideals. “Yes, this was a Democrat talking,” said Peter Hamby in Puck. There were, of course, “paeans to diversity and pluralism.” But Harris’…

Range Rover Sport SV Edition Two

Range Rover Sport SV Edition Two

MAKING its public debut at CarFest 2024, the latest Range Rover Sport is now available as the SV Edition Two. Offering a performance-honed exterior, the range-topper blends unique paint colours with new carbonfibre detailing. Inside, SV Performance seats are available in a range of colours, upholstered in knit textiles or Windsor leather. The SV Edition Two also features exclusive branding on the front splitter, centre console, treadplates and puddle lamps. Powered exclusively by a 626bhp, 553lb-ft 4.4-litre twin-turbo MHEV V8 petrol engine, the Range Rover Sport SV is capable of dashing from 0-60mph in 3.6sec and on to a top speed of 180mph, thanks to both a weight saving of up to 76kg if you tick the box for the Carbon Ceramic Brakes option, and standard-fit aerodynamic enhancements. Clients can…

an Apple a day

TURKEY-APPLE BURGERS WITH JERK SEASONING ACTIVE: 35 min | TOTAL: 35 min | SERVES: 4 1 pound ground turkey1 tablespoon jerk seasoning1 small green apple, peeled and grated, plus thin slices for topping¼ cup finely chopped scallions¼ cup pankoKosher salt and freshly ground pepperVegetable oil, for the grillMayonnaise, for spreading4 brioche or challah rolls, split4 slices cheddar cheeseDijon mustard, for topping 1. Preheat a grill or grill pan to medium-high. Mix the turkey, jerk seasoning, grated apple, scallions and panko in a bowl; season with salt and pepper. Form into four 1-inch-thick patties, making a small indentation on top of each using your thumb (this will prevent the burgers from puffng up during cooking). 2. Oil the grill grates. Grill the patties until browned and cooked through, 4 to 5 minutes per side; top…

an Apple a day


This month, we made our way to Kintsugi Omakase to have an epic meal that we will talk about for quite a bit! We knew that there would be a number of courses that would be created in front of us by Chef Victor Chen who was in last month’s issue in our THE 9LIST 9M3NU feature. Our meal didn’t disappoint! We were able to enjoy a 16 course meal that is part of their Kintsugi Experience. It’s a fantastic experience where upon entering the restaurant, you are sitting with 9 other guests who nave a front row seat at a meal that is next level. We wanted to know more about when the restaurant launched, why they provide omakase, and what you can expect when it comes to heading…

Settling In

Settling In

After an extensive search for a team who could help them bring their newly acquired historic Tuscan estate back to life, an American couple landed upon British interior designer Nicola Harding, who is known for the atmospheric abodes she crafts mostly in England. The couple was drawn not only to the warmth and energy of Harding’s style, but also to her attitude about the process of making a house a home. “Core to what we do is to understand the people who will inhabit a home, to discover what kind of moments they want to have there, the deeply held values they subscribe to, how they imagine an ideal Sunday breakfast,” says Harding. “Weaving elements of their stories into the spaces so they feel connected is key to creating a…



Stormers coach John Dobson is a regular visitor to Barrydale. He gives easily of his time to support his mate Rick Melvill and the Karoo Art Hotel, but more significantly both Dobson and Melvill invest energy into the local rugby community. Melvill has a Pied Piper presence in Barrydale. Where he walks others follow because of his generosity to improve someone's day, be it in an interaction or an opportunity. Dobson is from similar ilk. He loves to give back to the sport that gave him so much and he loves to do so through community projects. The Flying Eagles were once the singular club rugby entity in Barrydale. The club was established in 1950 but in 2018 there was a breakaway and the Barrydale Stryders were born. No community…



THIS MONTH’S WINNER VERONICA WILLIAMS Water gems EDITOR’S COMMENT Captured beautifully by Veronica Williams, this lovely shot was taken in Mt Lofty Botanical Gardens SA, when the weather had “other plans”. “I decided I'd brave the rain and wander, anyway,” says Williams. “Umbrella in one hand and camera in the other, I took only my macro lens thinking visibility would be too low for other photography (I was wrong, of course). I came across some gorgeous decaying leaves, both on the ground and on the trees. The fresh raindrops on this coloured leaf look ready to roll off at any time, and epitomise autumn in the leafy Adelaide hills.” There’s something lovely and peaceful about this image that made it a clear winner in a stacked field this time. We really loved the autumn tones, the…

Letter from Austria: Spreading the Wealth

In January, Erna was having a coffee in her living room in Vienna when she opened a letter from something called the Guter Rat für Rückverteilung, or the Good Council for Redistribution. “Guten Tag Ernestine!” the letter began. “How wealth is distributed across the country shapes how we live together and influences how well a democratic society functions.” The Good Council, the text went on, would comprise fifty Austrians selected by lottery—Erna was among ten thousand who made the first cut—and meet for six weekends to come up with proposals for how to address inequality in Austria, where the richest one per cent controls half of the country’s wealth. Additionally, the council would have twenty-five million euros to distribute as it saw fit, money provided by Marlene Engelhorn, who was described…

Letter from Austria: Spreading the Wealth

How England Became England

THE SOLDIERS arrived in “three ships of war, with their sails wafted by the wind and with omens and prophecies… that they should occupy the country to which they were sailing three hundred years, and half of that time… should plunder and despoil the same.” So wrote Gildas, a sixth-century British monk, describing the Germanic conquest of Britain shortly after the end of Roman rule. His account of this bloody war endured, as did the belief that the conflict had elevated a Germanic upper class, who oppressed the natives for generations afterward. These beliefs stood as a hallmark of British identity for centuries. But did that invasion actually happen? Since the Renaissance, scholars have been engaged in a curious and feverish debate over where the people who populate England came from.…

How England Became England


Whether or not you’re a fan of Nintendo’s products, it’s impossible to deny its influence on the design of home videogames. Time and again, the company has introduced new design concepts that have become commonplace – and just as frequently, it has popularised technologies that had previously been tried to no avail. Thanks to its lengthy tenure in the business, it’s arguable that Nintendo has done more to push the videogame console forward than any other manufacturer. Prior to its transformation into the company we know today, Nintendo was making toys like the Ultra Hand and arcade games such as EVR Race. Key employees including Genyo Takeda, Masayuki Uemura and Gunpei Yokoi were hired in this era, and they carried the inventive nature required for those industries with them as…